Active Dropbox Folders
Dropbox Folders
An extensive Documentation Package, including many photos, is available online at “Dropbox”. Various link buttons on this website will transfer you to the appropriate Dropbox Folder. The folders are:
- 1 Overview
- 2 Photo Sets
- 3 Introductions
- 4 For P & S
- 7 Library
The Documentation Package for the property at 104 Campbell Lane is in the five “Dropbox” Folders. Links to the first two are provided on introductory pages of this website.
This directory “2 Photo Sets/” contains six sub-directories with a total of 450 photographs and illustrations of the property and surrounding areas. These are set up for use as slide shows. All shows include figures with identification of the subject matter. These sets can be viewed individually using buttom above.
The following three folders contain more detailed information, as is described below.
This directory “2 Photo Sets/” contains six sub-directories with a total of 450 photographs and illustrations of the property and surrounding areas. These are set up for use as slide shows. All shows include figures with identification of the subject matter. These sets can be viewed individually using buttom above.
The following link takes you to the Dropbox Folder containing all the documents listed above. Additional items may be added later.
Contents of “Introductions” Folder
The Dropbox sub-directory “3 Introductions/” contains a set of illustrated description documents about the property and surrounding area. Individual links to these are on this websites “Descriptions” page. These PDF documents and their files listed here. For a file name “….” will be the date “yyyy mm dd” the document was completed.
- 0625 Introduction to Location Town Region….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to Location, Town and Region”
- 0625 Introduction to Deering Lake….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to Deering Lake”
- 0645 Introduction to Development Road Lot….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to the Development, Roads, and Lot”
- 0655 Introduction to House….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to House”
- 0653 Room-by-Room Information….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Room-by-Room Information”
- 0665 Introduction to Other Buildings ….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to Other Buildings”
- 0675 Introduction to Well and Sanitary System….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to the Water Well and Sanitary System”
- 0685 Introduction to Taxes Title Restrictions….
- “104 Campbell Lane, Deering NH Introduction to Taxes, Title, and Restrictions”
Contents of “For P & S” Folder
The sub-directory “4 For P and S/” contains a set of documents associated with the completion of a Purchase and Sales Agreement for the Property. Documents are:
- 0402 Disclosure Form….
- Standard disclosure form filled out for the property.
- 0404 Disclosure Attachment….
- An Attachment for the Disclosure Form.
- This can be a stand-alone Disclosure document.
- 0521 Furniture Inventory….
- A Spreadsheet containing an Inventory of furniture and equipment,
[Folder]: Site Evaluation
- [Folder]: 3601 Site Assessment Form
- Completed Site Assessment Form (2 pages)
- 6566 Septic Approval Operation 1994 6 1
- “Approval for Operation” completed by State Inspector on 6/1/1994
- 6567 Septic Approval Construction 1993
- “Approval for Construction” approved by NHDES on 9/23/1993.
- The Maximum Loading Allowed of 600 GPD (gallons per day) is the standard requirement for 4 bedroom systems (150 GPD per bedroom).
- 6565 Septic System Plan 1994 6 1
- The final revision of the design drawing for the Sanitary System, dated 5/25/1994.
- This is a photo of the copy signed by the Inspector on 6/1/1994.
- 6566 Drawing showing 4 bedroom system 1994
- Enlarged section of the plan (Item 6565) that shows the design is for a 4 bedroom system.
- 3434 Deering Lot with Buffers 2022 4 23
- Scaled Plan of the lot showing:
- The lot boundaries with dimensions.
- The final 1994 location of the septic tank and leach field.
- The house after the expansion was completed in 1996.
- The 75’ setback required for the septic system and house foundation.
- The location of the well, 75’ from the septic system.
- Other features.
Enlargement Project Photos
This is a set of photos of the original ranch house and the project to enlarge it by adding a 2nd floor, kitchen wing, and enclosed porch.
Inactive Files
A number of documents were created in the effort to sell this property. Most were created before this website was added. Some were for hard copy distribution. Others were to provide access to the files on Dropbox; that access is now provided by this website. They are not actively being used, but most have current information.
Top-level Summary Documents, that were intended for distribution by Dropbox or hard copy.
Larger information documents that proceeded the set of “Introduction” Documents. These were cut down to create the “Introduction” versions. These may be of interest to buyers.
A set of documents that could have been used for direct access to the Dropbox Folders. The value went away when this website was developed.
Professional Photos and Videos
These photos and the video were created by a professional photographer hired by the realtor.
The photographer provided a set of 53 photos, some taken by a drone. Less than 40 were used in the MLS listing. All are here.
Seller Information
This website has been prepared by the Property Owner.
- The Seller is:
- Arthur C. Stickney
- Sole Owner
- Home: 9 Cherry Street, Concord NH 03301
- The Seller should not be contacted about the selling effort, including price, showings, and offers. The listing agent or his agency should be contacted,
- Age 76
- Retired Electrical/Software Engineer
- Selling because it is no longer practical to have a second home.
- Seller occasionally spends nights and keeps minimal items at house.
- Some watercraft and outside equipment are to be moved out later.
- Arthur C. Stickney